MIND MAPPING (Accelerate your learning)
Well so far we have been discussing about memory, mind etc etc. Many research has also been done in these areas or subjects. As, we all know and i am again repeating that, the one and only thing which separates us from animals and maintain our position in top is our BRAIN or MIND. If the body would have been powerful then we would be somewhat captive to BLUE WHALE or ELEPHANT but we are lucky to get this organ which is not replaceable hitherto.

There are various methods of accelerated learning, but one of them is MIND MAPPING. As the name suggests MIND MAP is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or any other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea or host. It is used to generate, visualize, stucture and classify ideas, and is indeed an aid for study, organization, projects, planning, problem solving, decision making and much much more which are parts of personality development.
Specifically, its an image centered diagram that represents semantic or other connections between portions of information. By presenting this connection in a radial, non-linear graphical manner. It encourages a brain storming approach to any organizational task, eliminating the hurdle of initially establishing on intrinsically appropriate or relevant conceptual framework to work within. All elements in mind map are arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts and they are organized into groupings, branches, areas or sub-groupings.
Mind maps (similar concepts traditionally) have been used for centuries, for brainstorming, speed learning, memory improving, visual thinking, problem solving, decision making etc by engineers, teachers, psychologists, students and generally by common people too either knowingly or unknowingly. Earliest examples of mind maps were developed by Porphyry of Tyros, a noted thinker of the 3rd century as he graphically visualized the concept categories of Aristotle. Ramon Llull also used these structures of the mind map form. Although, the claim to the origin of mind mapping has been made by a British Popular psychologist author, Mr. TONY BUZAN ( Author of USE YOUR HEAD). He uses popular assumptions about the cerebral hemispheres in order to promote the exclusive use of mind mapping over other forms of note making.
The mind maps continues to be used in various forms, and for various applications including learning and education ( often taught as webbing), planning and in engineering diagramming. Mind maps can be drawn by hand, either as "rough note taking" for example in a lecture or meeting or seminar or conference or can be more sophisticated in quality.
Tony Buzan's Mind map Guidelines
1. Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colours.
2. Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your Mind mp.
3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
4. Each word/image must be alone and sitting on its own base line.
5. The lines must be connected, starting from the central image. The central lines are thicker, organic and flowing, becoming thinner as they radiate out from the centre.
6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image.
7. Use colours-your own code-throughout the Mind Map.
8. Develop your own personal style of Mind Mapping.
9. Use emphasis and show associations in your Mind Map.
10. Keep the Mind Map clear by using radial hierarchy, numerical order or outlines to embrace your branches
Research on Mind maps in Learning
Tony Buzan claims that the mind map is a vastly superior note taking method because it doesn't lead to the alleged "semi hypnotic trance" state induced by the other note forms. He also claims that the mind map utilizes the full range of left and right human cortical skills, balances the brain, taps into the alleged 99% of your unused mental potential, as well as intuition ( something he called superlogic).
Software for mind mapping
There are various free or sharewares in the web for mind mapping in PC, one of which is simple and free i have attached here.
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