Thursday, January 28, 2010

Personality dating service and tips


As human, being social animals, we are interested in making contacts or want to be active in social life like partying,concerts,seminars etc etc. And there, your eyes visualize a beauty of your dream. Now! here comes the hard part--winning her over on your first outing together Personality development tips and tricks are really helpful in this topic also. To make others interested in you and your behavior is also another achievements which can only be gained by developing personality through the techniques mentioned in this blog.

Some Tips for first time outing:

1) Start somewhere old-- Neel David. A cute VJ,a friend of friend, was his unfortunate first date. He had met the gal in the restaurant he'd never been before." What's good there? she tweeted." Honestly speaking, I don't have a clue," he replied. Her blank and vacant look shows her negative impression. The venue was one aspect he could have controlled, and it was proving to be more of an annoyance than an aphrodisiac (love potion). This means we always are best when we are relaxed and comfortable and as first outing is concerned, confidence also plays vital role. So, in first date, go where you have been there before and known the place clearly.

2) Most girls are like surprises-- First date conversations follow predictable lines like where are you from, what do you do for living, and a lot WH questions which is unlimited, so better try to talk surprise. Charles Orlando, author of The Problem with Women..Is Men, says," Every man who is good with women has a host of stories, questions and jokes that elicit good responses".

3) Extend the encounter-- Keep changing locations which can re-energize her so as her mood and can create a shared sense of adventure. One of my friend, John Smith dates with Yasmin, a journalist. Though his first impression of her was not too favorable, she proved to be edgier than he'd expected." I may look like a vapid girl, but inside I'm smart and overweight", she joked. After a few drinks, he suggested moving to a cool little restaurant. She loved it. The evening ended with a kiss, and they went out another three times.

- Your Battle Plan: Set up locations so things flow from casual and fun to romantic and intimate.

4) Have knowledge when you are bombing-- Been on a date that you thought went great, only never hear from the girl again? John found himself on the other side of this scenario with Lita, whom he met through an online dating site. He wasn't attracted to her much, so he kept smiling and chuckling a lot, just to be polite. After an hour, he said he had to head out. The very next day, Lita emailed him a sweet note. He never wrote back. But he was bothered by his date with Katrina, a photo journalist who seemed really into him only to leave an hour for a work call---at 8 pm. According to psychologist Dr. Vishwa Bandhu, John's experience mirrors what many women go through on unsatisfying dates. " Women smiles a lot to mask negative emotions, he says".

- Your battle plan: To find out if she is truly in you or not, look for signs that actually mean something, her body language, facial expressions. " Touching you, heavy eye contact, and leaning in toward you are actually all positive signs". If she ignores her cell phone, thats a very great sign. If you are receiving or noticing these signals, try touching her hand slightly. If she doesn't pull back, then you have probably won her over.
These are just simple tips based on experience and simple research on girl's psychology. But might not be applicable to everyone at everytime. So, use this at your own risk.
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Auto-suggestion or self-suggestion is that powerful tool which directly effect the sub-conscious or subliminal mind. Auto-suggestion is simple, its the statement  made in the present tense, of the kind or type of human being you want to be. It is like writing the commercial about yourself, for yourself. They influence both mind (conscious as well sub-conscious) that, in turn, influence both the attitude and behavior. Auto-suggestions can be negative as well as positive. It depends on how you choose to be.

Some negative auto-suggestions are:
- I am exhausted or tired.
- I am not an athlete.
- I have a very poor memory power.
- I am weak.
- I am not good at maths.
When you feed your mind with these kind of negative suggestions, especially your sub-conscious mind believes it and starts reflecting it through your behavior. For an instance, when a person who gives himself the auto-suggestion,"I have a very poor memory," is introduced to a new person, he will not make the effort to remember his name because he tells himself," I have a poor memory so there's no point even trying to remember" ( so i was saying in before posts, attitude really makes character and reflects in behavior). Of course, he won't remember his name the next time he meet him, and will again tell himself,"i have a poor memory". Its never ending cycle and a self fulfilling prophecy.
When an individual repeats a belief or deep thinking often enough, it sinks and deepens into his ocean of subliminal mind and become the reality of his life.A lie that is repeated often enough becomes accepted as a truth internally, as someone has said "A lie if repeated 100 times becomes a truth".
So, what necessary steps should be taken to get rid of this irregularity of mind? Simple answer is to make positive statements of affirmations. Any picture you hold in your mind becomes a reality sooner or later.Auto-suggestion is somewhat like self-hypnotism but not concentrated like hypnotism. Its also like Autogenics where suggestions plays part to control your body even your heartbeat and breathing. Auto-suggestions should not be phrased in a negative way. Never say," I am so disorganized, " Instead say," I am well organized person." Our mind is like the positive magnet, it just get quick attraction to negativity, if you don't believe i will give one example. If you tell ," don't think of  vampires," its likely that the image of vampires with long nails and teeth immediately popped into your mind, try this!
So, always think of positive, good, better and apply this in your life. Making positive self-image can boost your rational power. Image streaming is one tool for positive image making which can help you and prepare you for quick decision, problem solving and much more..
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