Thursday, February 11, 2010

Personality Disorders

                                            PERSONALITY DISORDER

Personality Disorders can be defined as the personality traits that are extreme or that cause enough difficulty in a person's life to interfere with daily functioning to the point of "disabling." It can not only effect the victim but also the surroundings he is living. It can be simple which can be treated at home or can be chronic which extends to mental illness and needs medical supervisions and allopathic medications.
Medicine defines personality disorder as--
Long-term, pervasive, inflexible patterns of thoughts and behaviors that are not well adapted or do not fit within the range of behavior considered normal. These patterns of "abnormal" thoughts and behaviors lead to significant problems in the ability to reason and/or interact with others and/or to behave appropriately.
Some of major mentall illness like depression, bipolar disorder or even schizophrenia can be taken as the chronic stage of personality disorder in humans. It can happen to anyone and anytime.

There are various types of personality disorders affecting different age groups.Some of them are summarized below:
1)Borderline Personality Disorder
2) Paranoia or Schizoid Personality Disorder.
3) Anti-social personality disorder.
4) Narcissistic personality disorder .
5) Avoidant personality disorder.
6) Dependent personality disorder .
7) Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

All these above mentioned personality disorder traits have their own impact and nature but as a whole they just ruined the social and personal life of the sufferer. When a loved one in your family is suffering from one of the personality disorders, the entire family is under stress. A family is like a grape: each segment is unique, but connected to make a whole. When member suffers, the entire family suffers.Giving Mood stabilizer medications is one allopathic way to make this disorder in constant form by stabilizing the mood of victim (neither letting him/her to be more excited--can leads to mania nor letting him/her to be sad---leading to depression).

Apart from medications, the sufferer needs psychological counseling  and support too. Most of the disorders which has shaped and declared as mental illness can recur if the sufferer stops to take stabilizing drugs which we should be focused and care. We can only stabilize the illness, can recognize its symptoms but can not prevent it so one must take drugs according to his/her psychiatrist.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


                    Memory Techniques for Holding Information In Brain

There are lots of memory techniques but all are not applicable always. In this post i am going to define some secrets on how to hold information in the brain.

The mental pictures ( or percepts as psychologists call them) which we form of our surroundings have two main components:

(a) the material fed into the mind from the sense organs which constitutes the content of our percepts;
(b) the past experiences, interests, values, desires, etc., present in our minds which act as an interpreting device for our percepts.

For example, consider a dissection of a rabbit being viewed by a number of people. The material picked up by their eyes (i.e. (a) above) is more or less the same for all of them. How they interpret what they see will vary according to the differences suggested in (b) above.
(i) a small child might see it as dull and useless;
(ii) its mother might be revolted at the spectacle;
(iii) its father might be morbidly interested to get some idea of what a human being is like inside;
(iv) a student just starting biology might marved at what he sees but be overwhelmed by the wealth of information before him;
(v) an experienced student can be selective, see systems and recognize organs at a glance; to him organization is clear and important points stand out;
(vi) an expert or vet. can at once see variations from normal and can probably imagine their origin and effects.

From this is follows that each new experience we have is not interpreted only according to its own content but also according to our attitudes, interests and understanding of the material. In order to increase efficiency in study it is necessary to perceive clearly, accurately and slectively. Students should therefore get the following points clearly in mind.

(a) give themselves as many of the right sort of experiences as possible, i.e, read widely, practice techniques, discuss their subjects with other people. Remember that the more one knows of a subject, the clearer one;s perspective and the easier and more accurate one's selection;
(b) develop a scientific attitude in all they do. This consists basically of attacking problems in an analytical way, looking for evidence and demanding proof. It involves constantly making a conscious effort to overcome personal prejudice and to attempt to establish the truth by clear reasoning and, where possible, by experiment;
(c) adapt their values and interests to the demands of the disc discipline in which they are working.
These are some of the memory techniques for holding information to the brain. More tips will be available in another post.
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