Just imagine being able to multiply larger lumbers in your head--faster than you could tap the numbers in calculator.How would people near you react if you could calculate square roots--and even cube roots mentally without any electro
nic support? You'll gain the reputation of being extremely intelligent.
People equate mathematical ability with intelligence. If you are able to do multiplication, division, squaring and square roots in your head in less time than your friends, they will be forced to believe you have a superior intellect which unknowingly increase your personality and self confidence too.
Engineers familiar with these kinds of strategies gain a reputation for being geniuses because they can give almost instant answers to square
root problems. Finding the length of a hypotenuse is child's play using methods which will be described later..
Mathematical Mind
Is it true that some people are born with a mathematical mind? Do some people have an advantage over others? And, conversely, are some people at a disadvantage when they have to solve mathematical problems?
The difference between high achievers and low achievers is not the brain they were born with but how they learn to use it.High achievers use better strategies than low achievers.The methods are easier than those we've learnt in the past so you'll solve problems more quickly and make fewer mistakes.
"The easier the method we use to

solve a problem, the faster we'll solve it with less chance of making a mistake". People who use better methods are faster at getting the answer and make fewer errors, while those who use poor methods are slower at getting the answer and make more mistakes. It doesn't make much to do with intelligence or having a 'mathematical brain'.
Multiplication: Part I
How would you like to master your tables upto the 10 times table in less than 10 minutes? And your tables upto the 20 times table in less than half an hour? I only assume you know the 2 times tables reasonably well, and that you can add and subtract simple numbers.
Multiplying Numbers upto TEN
We'll begin by learning how to multiply numbers upto 10x10. This is how it works:
We'll take 7x8 as an instance.
Write 7X8= on a piece of paper and draw a circle below each number to be multiplied
0 0
Now go to the first number to be multiplied i.e. 7. How many more do you need to make 10? The answer is 3. Write 3 in the circle below the 7. Now go to the 8. What do we write in the circle below the 8? How many more to make 10? The answer is 2. Write 2 in the circle below the 8. Your work should look like this.
3 2
Now subtract diagonally. Take either one of the circled numbers (3 or2) away from the number, not directly above, but diagonally above or crossways. In other words, you either take 3 from 8 or 2 from 7. Subtract only one time, so choose the subtraction you find easier. Either way, the answer is the same 5. This is the first digit of your answer.
8-3=5 or 7-2=5
Now multiply the numbers in the circles. Three times 2 is 6. This is the last digit of your answer. The answer is 56. This is how the completed problem looks.
3 2
If you know the 2 times table reasonably well,you can easily master the tables up to the 10 times table, and beyond.Let's try another example,
2 1
How many more to make 10? The answer is 2 and 1. We write 2 and 1 below the numbers. What do we do now? We subtract diagonally.
8-1=7 or 9-2=7
Seven is the first digit of the answer.Write it down. Now multiply the two number below.
Two is the last digit of the answer. Hence, the answer is 72..
Isn't it easy? This is just a simple example to prove how math can be so much easy and fun, but to make mental calculations, one needs more practice, practice and practice..
Try some more given below.
1) 9X9 2)8X9 3)8X8 4)5X9 5)7X9 6)8X7
Copy in a piece of paper and keep practicing, advanced methods will be described in later posts...Math Help
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