Friday, August 27, 2010

Body Language Flirting

                                       Body Language Flirting
In previous posts, we have already discussed about topics related to body language and its importance and application for personality development. Today i am going to give some information regarding body language flirting. As we know that "action speaks louder than words", non-verbal communication has a great impact on our day to day activities. We use this tool everywhere to project ourselves so do our thoughts, ideas and information before the world.

Flirting tips for Men
Everybody wants to develop their personality in front of others. I don't want you all to misunderstand the title here "flirting tips for men" negatively. In animal kingdom also, flirting is one way to improve, maintain or establish a relationship between animals. We are humans so, we must have knowledge about using body language for attracting others. Actually, using non-verbal communication for this purpose is innate or inborn quality, but i will share some tips which will be helpful for self-conscious guys to improve or generate positive relationships. Here i am going to brief some point which a guy should remember while dating a girl so that he won’t be losing his personality with the help of body language for flirting.
1. Be confident (If you are not act confident and you will be confident)
Most girls like a guy who is confident in himself and whatever he does. So, feeling or confidence is very necessary. You are not supposed to show acts like biting nails, looking here and there, diverting your attention to somewhere. You must be able to make her feel that she is secured and safe when she is with you.
2. Stay close to her
Staying far away can make her feel that you are too nervous to have talk or chat with her in anyway. So, stay close to her but not too close. Maintain private space.
3. Eye contact
This is another must have tool. While talking with her, always see in her eyes but don't stare. Mind that staring and looking are different terms. Look at her eyes when conversation and look somewhere right after the last word. Then again you can look at her eyes.
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Teenage Self Esteem

Tips for increasing and improving Teenage Self-Esteem

Concise Dictionary defines the term "self esteem" as the belief and confidence in your own ability and value. We can simply say this as our self confidence and we even know how much important this thing for us in each part of our life.
And for personality development it is one of the prerequisite for optimal achievement. Almost all age groups needs this tool. Decreasing in self-esteem can leads to serious mental problems like depression.
Among all age groups, teenage requires this the most. This is because the teen years are always a turbulent and confusing time, it is also a time when a persons self esteem can either develop to it's full potential, or be left behind to wither for the rest of their adult life. This is the stage of human development when one can develop positively or negatively. There are various methods for increase teenage self esteem but i am going to sort our some major factors which  i collected from various sources and from my experience.

1) Appearance (self image-self perception) - Teenage years is one of the most pressured times of your life, and no doubt one of these pressures will be to do with your self image. This has a flow on affect to influence your self confidence and self esteem which can affect your studies performance, sociability, etc, and can lead to a vicious cycle. In regards to looks there is always room for improvement, and what you can't fix you feature.(So if you have crooked teeth, make sure they're clean. If you have a funny shaped head, make sure you have a great haircut that suits it.) There is a lot of very effective treatment out there for acne which you may consider. The trick to gaining self esteem is that once you have done all you can to better your appearance then that in itself is something to be confident about. You may not be able to have any control about what you have, but you have 100% control about what you do with it and that is all that matters. Also realize that any self esteem issues that you associate to your looks are all in your head, and anyone that has a go at you is usually insecure about themselves, and compensates by putting others down.

2) Parents or Guardians - Yes, parents may have good intentions for you but these good intentions can be overbearing and may actually hurt your self esteem and lead to lower levels of confidence. Usually the main situation is a parent that overworks their child, hoping for them to get perfect grades and attend college however this is not always best for a teenagers self esteem. Problems can occur when you feel overworked, and over supervised. They should by all means encourage you and make sure you are keeping up but not become the bad guys by pressuring you to the point where it is unhealthy. This will negatively affect your grades, your relationship and result in low self esteem symptoms. If you have an issue with your parents in any area, ask to sit down with them for a moment, and explain your side of the story and the listen to their side. A lot of progress can be made when you can recognise each others situation.

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