Sunday, August 12, 2007

Real and Actual Meaning of PERSONALITY and tips for its Development

Well every human being might have different perception, attitude and meaning for this broad terminology “PERSONALITY”, as we, human beings, are said to be social animal and the only animal having something powerful tool called MIND which other animals do not possess in this entire planet. Other animals also got BRAIN but its potential is limited. But our brain and its capacity are simply unlimited. Because of this tool, we are ruling the entire universe. I have mentioned all of this because, with external and internal beauties, this organ of human also plays significant role in developing, enriching and boosting our personality as a whole.
Now, what actually Personality means?
According to ENCARTA DICTIONARY ,Personality means
somebody's set of characteristics: the totality of somebody's attitudes, interests, behavioral patterns, emotional responses, social roles, and other individual traits that endure over long periods of time
characteristics making somebody appealing: the distinctive or very noticeable characteristics that make somebody socially appealing
· a partner with real personality
somebody regarded as epitomizing traits: somebody regarded as epitomizing particular character traits
famous person: a famous person, especially an entertainer or athlete
unusual person: a distinctive and unusual person
quality of being person: the quality of existing as a person
· Do you think that computers will ever achieve personality?
distinguishing characteristics: the distinguishing characteristics of a place or situation Microsoft® Encarta® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Are these definitions and descriptions really defining personality as a whole? We can say ‘Yes’ to some extend because whenever we talk about personality most of us go for “LOOKS”. But here comes the diversion of definition. Is personality at a glance means to say “LOOKS”? For me, its partial. The foremost thing or the main thing for which we can determine or perceive another stranger is via his external or physical outfit, as no one can know how he is? His behavior, character at a glance so personality at a glance goes for “LOOKS”. But, most of the people only think that if a person has good looks, then he/she has got personality and I totally disagree this statement. He/she only possess looks, external personality but not personality as a whole. So to analyze or determine somebody’s total personality we have to understand him/her which needs time. Someone might not be good looking but he/she can have his/her behavior, character outstanding and vice-versa.
Personality traits are not inborn or genetically inherent. We have to develop or enhance these traits after landing on earth. We are the only one who can develop our whole personality. There are others like our parents who are always there to help us but the actual hero is with us. If we are interested to develop our personality we need to learn many things and might be more and more and more things. Apart from academic education we must have to learn many extra curricular things like-
1) Public Speaking Skills.
2) Body language Skills.
3) Handwriting analysis Skills.
4) Behavioral Skills.
5) Anger Management Skills.
6) Fitness Skills.
7) Yoga and Exercise.
8) Food habit.
9) Communication Skills.
10) Friends making Skills.
11) Relationship Skills.
12) Superlearning Skills.
13) Dealing with problems.
14) Self or Auto-Suggestions skills and much more which can’t be listed here.

A person can only be real person when he/she can be cent percent successful in fulfilling his/her whole responsibility and the above mentioned point are the key points and landmarks to make one RESPONSIBLE, RATIONAL, BOLD, BRAVE and SMART…
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Friday, August 10, 2007

Developing confidence in Public Speaking

There are not actual rules regarding the confidence built up on how to speak before public. The innate or real potential is within the particular human being but some rules can really be helpful and i tried to collect and summarized below...


Fact No. One: You are not unique in your dear of speaking in public. Surveys in colleges indicate that 80-90% of all students enrolled in speech classes suffer from stage fright at the beginning of the course.

Fact No. Two: A certain amount of stage fright is useful!!. Its nature's way of preparing us to meet unusual and unexpected challenges in our life. So, when you notice pulse beating faster and your respiration speeding up, don't become alarmed. Your body, ever alert to external stimuli, is getting ready to go into action.. If these physiological preparations are held within limits, you will be capable of thinking faster,talking more fluently and generally speaking with greater intensity than under normal circumstances.

Fact No.Three: Many professional speakers have assured that they never completely lose all stage fright!!.. It is almost always present just before they speak, and it may persist through the first few sentences of their talk or speech. This is price these men and women pay for being like race horses and not like draft horses. Speakers who say they are "cool as a cucumber" at all times are usually as thick-skinned as a cucumber and about as inspiring as a cucumber.

Fact No.Four: The main cause of your fear of public speaking is simply that you are unaccustomed to speak in public!!!. "Fear is misbegotten of ignorance and uncertainty," says Professor Robinson in THE MIND IN THE MAKING . For most people, public speaking is an unknown quantity, and consequently one fright with known quantity, and consequently one fraught with anxiety and fear factors. For the beginner, it is a complex series of strange situations, more involved than, say, learning to play tennis on drive a car. To make this fearful situation simple and easy: practice, practice, practice. You will find, as thousands upon thousands have, that public speaking can be made a joy instead of an agony merely by getting a record of successful speaking experiences behind you.
The story of how Albert Edward Wiggam, the prominent lecturer and popular psychologist, overcame his fear, can be an inspiration to all. He tells how terror-struck he was at the thought of standing up in high school and delivering a five-minute declamation.
"As the day approached, he writes, "I became positively ill. Whenever the dreadful thought occurred to me, my whole had would flush with blood and my cheeks would burn so painfully that i would go behind the school building and press them against the cold brick wall to try to reduce their surging blushes".
" On one occasion, I carefully memorized a declamation beginning,'Adam and Jefferson are no more.' When I faced the audience, my head was swimming so I scarcely knew where i was. I managed to gasp out the opening sentence, stating that ' Adams and Jefferson have passed away.' I couldn't say another word, so i bowed....and walked solemnly back to my seat amid great applause. The president got up and said,'Well Edward, we are shocked to hear the sad news, but we will do our best to bear up under the circumstances. During the uproarious laughter that followed, death would, surely have been a welcome relief. I was ill for days afterward.
"Certainly the last thing on earth i ever expected to become was a public speaker." A year after he left college, Albert Wiggam was in Denver. One day he read a pamphlet explaining the proposals of the Free Silverites; he became so incensed over what he considered the errors and hollow promises of Bryan and his followers, that he pawned his watch for enough money to get back to his native Indiana. Once there, he offered his services to speak on the subject of sound money. Many services to speak on the subject of sound money. Many of his old school friends were in the audience and i managed somehow to live through the introduction; and encouraged by even this tiny success, i went to talking for what i thought was about fifteen minutes. To my amazement, i discovered i had been talking an hour and a half!.
"As a result, within the next few years, i was the most surprised person in the world to find myself making my living as a professional public speaker.
" I knew at first hand what William James meant by the habit of success."
Yes, Albert Edward learned that one of the surest ways of overcoming the devastating fear of speaking before groups is to get a record of successful experiences behind you.
You should expect a certain amount of fear as a natural adjunct of your desire to speak in public, and you should learn to depend on a limited amount of stage fright to help make you give a better talk..
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