Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Spiritualism is a religion, a science, a philosophy and a way of life; not only is life eternal, but this can be verified. As a religion it is progressive and is considered by many to be the mother of all religions .
As a philosophy it is clear and accessible, and as a way of life it brings an element of joy into every nook and cranny of every-one’s pathway via life on earth.
Spiritualism itself was born of the northern hemisphere of our planet, although its phenomena are universal and timeless and the truths that is has revealed are as old as the earth itself.
So how does spiritualism prove that every human being, as well as every other,
creature lives for ever?
This is established through medium ship. It is established through those dedicated people who develop their psychic abilities to such extent that they are able to make a link, to become the exchange whereby those who presently reside in the world of spirit may communicated with those still here in the world of physical matter.
Our psychic being is our intuitive self.. It is that aspect of our persona that knows what we like and what we dislike.-and not only that very often who we like and whom we dislike at the first meeting.
All of us can recall walking into a building whether it be someone’s home or a public place, and feeling immediately uncomfortable, or walking into a crowded room, perhaps at a party, and seeing someone whom we like the look of or feel drawn to for no particular reason. Or the experience of making up a foursome for your friend’s benefits, a so-called “blind date” situation, where you can then forced to be in company of someone to whom you have taken an immediate dislike for an entire evening. All these impulses emanate from your psychic faculties.
This psychic side of your earthly life has a direct association with your spirit, and via your spirit to the spirit dimensions.
Modern Spiritualism first appeared in the 1840s in the Burned-Over
upstate New York where earlier religious movements such as Millerism (Seventh Day Adventists) and Mormonism had emerged during the Second great awakening. It was an environment in which many people felt that direct communication with God
or angels was possible, and in which many people felt uncomfortable with notions that God would behave harshly — for example, that God would condemn unbaptised infants to an eternity in Hell.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Handwriting Analysis (Part 1)

Well, To analyze who we are and our behavior , there are lots of ways , tool and techniques. Among them, handwriting analysis is one of the strong tool. Indeed, we can determine one's character by our handwriting as it is directly connected to our brain. Handwriting analysis is not based on assumption or ideology, its purely scientific and technical. One can't determine by simple studying this article. To know how is the particular person, at least we need 15 days to analyze and research.We can not only determine his innate abilities, potentialities inherit from his/her birth, but also we can know his mood at the particular period when he is being examined or evaluated. By measuring and calculating the upstrokes, down strokes angle, aperture of single single letters, sharpness, heaviness of handwriting , gap between words, letters, sentences, style of writing and much more options are there to be calculated before we can analyze and come to the conclusion.Each and every word making you feel so special and loved. But remember when a person sits to write anything, they not only write but also their handwriting reveals their character, behavior and experiences, in other words handwriting reveals to us much more than the feelings of happiness or sadness but the complete person. Which technique is this? Graphology, or the analysis of handwriting to reveal character traits. The handwriting never lies thus handwriting analysis is one of the most non-discriminatory tools available.Researchers have defined that handwriting is actually brain writing. It is an expression of small electrical impulses from the brain to the hand. A thought, a movement, even a feeling is a result of such electrical impulses dictated from the brain. So if you want to know about your beloved or anyone even much more better, here are some fine and great tips for you that really works.I can't put here or define each and every traits of handwriting analysis here but i try to display some indications and traits below and will update more in near future.

1.If a person leaves a huge gap at the left side, then you can predict the person to be very CAUTIOUS in love as well as any work. They take a long time to come to any decision.

2.If a persons whole sentence flows towards up, he/she is optimistic by nature.

3. If a person's letters are blur in average, he/she might be suffering from internal maladies.

4.Back-warding of words or sentence define that the person is introvert.

5.A person leaving huge space at the right side are assumed to be an ideal person. They are very punctual and they always try to meet the deadline.

6.If a person doesn’t leave even a single space or centimeter, such persons are impatient, aggressive and moody in nature.

7.If you see a paper where words are quite close to each other, quite jumbled and scrambled then the handwriting reveals that the person has a number of tasks to accomplish in a short period. The person thinks himself to be very superior. They have their own ideas and will only agree with you if you agree with them.

8.If a person while writing goes beyond or below the line of the paper, it shows the person to be pessimistic and with low self-esteem .

9.If a person while writing goes up and above the line of the paper, it shows the person to be optimistic they are sure that tomorrow will be better and always looks on the bright side of life.

10.While writing, if the handwriting are bent towards right it shows the writer have high self-esteem and high personal expectations but are not able to work out as per their expectations.

11.While writing, if the handwriting are bent towards left it shows the person is confident, ambitious, has the ability to plan ahead, high goals, high expectations, and an overall good self image.

Handwriting analysis is putting together a jigsaw puzzle or backing a cake-- you need all the pieces of ingredients to create the whole from the parts. And where each part may not mean all that much in itself, the result, your personality, can be thrilling and exciting to unveil. Graphology involves the analysis of hundreds of strokes of handwriting, individually and in relation to one another, in order to see and evaluate a personal in detail, a total pattern of behavior.
A sample of handwriting is as complex as the person who wrote it. So you can't tell much by simply glancing at the writing. A detailed study of the strokes is the only way an accurate personality portrait can be painted, so each nuance of the sample must be examined carefully and interpreted circumspectly.
A graphological analysis is so structured that even those who try to disguise their handwriting won't get success. The true personality always comes through because its difficult to sustain the concentration needed to truly mask inherent characteristics. Yet, like medicine, graphology is not only a science but an art. The science comes in mastering the techniques, which the art is in applying those techniques to their best advantage. The combined result is a potent knowledge that will open many doors and can change whole life....
Taking the handwriting Sample
Some necessary items to study graphology are mentioned as
- Sharp pencils ( 2)
- Strong light (straight focused)
- Powerful magnifying Glass.
- An 8 and half by 11 inch bond paper for writing sample.
- Legal-sized pad of paper for exercises.
- Tracing paper.
- The Graphogauge ( process to make graphogauge will be described later)
After acquiring these equipments, now you are ready to study the person's character by his/her handwriting ( as we all know handwriting actually is brain writing). Now, a full page of handwriting is needed for useful and quality evaluation. Few words, lines or a signature can't be helpful for determining to exact analysis. Therefore, enough and proper writing is a requisite to see a pattern emerge and to compare the strokes for consistency.
Never take a sample on lined paper, since the direction of the writing takes is significant, lined paper creates structure that inhibits the writer's natural flow. In general writing slanting in upwards position indicates optimism while that slanting downwards indicates pessimism, so the variation from the base line should not be interrupt neither can be ignored.
The author should write anything that comes to mind. The content of sample doesn't matter because our aim is to analyze the strokes, not words or sentences. it should be spontaneous and should be written in a free-flow style. On no account should the sample be copied, because that, would impede the author's ability to write naturally. The "brain writing" signal shouldn't be thwarted by the concentration it takes to copy a passage, which breaks up the thought process.
A ballpoint pen is preferable to any other writing instruments for the sample as it gives you the best means to measure the writer's pressure ( the way the writer bears down on the paper is significant in an analysis). The author should write the sample in any way that is comfortable. The object is to get the sample that completely reflects the personality of the individual who wrote it. If the sample is printed, however , make sure that a few lines of script are added as a backup measure. Printing can be analyzed in its own right, but the addition of these few lines will ensure that you make a full, accurate analysis

If you want complete analysis of your behavior via your handwriting, all you  need to do is contacting me. I will help to change your life via changing your handwriting as being a professional handwriting analyst. For that, half analysis will be sent within 3 days of request and partial payment verification and half will sent after full payment. My charge is 14$s and payment will be on paypal. For payment please click on the PAYNOW button at the top of page selecting your membership and before payment, do mail me, my mailing id is

[PS: For my Facebook fans, rate for the analysis is 10$]
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