In this article i am going to discuss about the body language relating to limbs as well as face, their meanings and how they are delivered.
1. Hand to face gestures:
(i) The mouth guard-- The mouth guard involves the hand covering the mouth with the thumb pressed against the cheek, implying that the person wishes to suppress something being voiced. A person using this particular gesture while speaking is telling a lie while if he/she uses this gesture when someone else is speaking indicates that he/she feels that the other person is lying. Some people camouflage their gesture by faking a laugh.
(ii) The eye rub-- When a men lie, they rub their eyes vigorously; if the lie is a big one, they will often look away, generally towards the floor. Women, on the other hand, conscious of their looks, use a small, gentle rub just below the eye; they generally avoid eye contact with the listener, preferring to look up at the ceiling.
(iii) The ear rub-- A person wishing not to head what the other person is saying, discreetly puts the hand around or over the ear. This body language is seen mostly in young children as they shut out both ears what they don’t want to hear. When a person pulls at his earlobe or bends the entire ear forward to cover the ear hole, it indicates that he had heard enough or want to speak now.
(iv) The collar pull-- When a person realizes that his lie has been caught, he tends to pull his collar, probably to ease the stinging sensation in his neck caused by the lie. This gesture is also used when a person is angry or frustrated and by pulling at the collar away from the neck, he hopes to allow cool air to circulate around his neck to calm himself down.
(v) Fingers in the mouth-- A person under pressure invariably put his fingers in his mouth, unconsciously trying to relieve his stress. This body language is an external expression for an inner need for reassurance.
(vi) Cheek and Chin gestures-- A person supporting his head with his hand, indicates his boredom, lack of interest or attempts to not fall asleep. The continual foot tapping and finger-drumming on the table are signs of impatience and not boredom. When a person has negative or critical thoughts, his thumb supports his chin while his index finger points vertically up the cheek. While making decision, his hand will move to the chin and begin a chin-stroking gesture.
(vii) Decision making gestures-- A bespectacled person might remove his glasses from his face and put one end of the frame in his mouth, instead of using chin-stroking gesture. A person may put his pencil tip or fingertip in his mouth while making decision, any objects in his mouth suggesting that he is unsure and needs assurance in making a quick decision. When a person is making decision, his hand may be stroking his chin but as he begins to lose interest in the speaker, his head begins to rest on his chin.