Monday, January 10, 2011

Self Help For Depression

                                     Self Help For DepressionI have already discussed about the term "depression" in earlier post. In this article, i am going to describe for helping self while in depression. There are various factors which cause depression. As we all human being are different so do our living environment, surrounding on where we grew, our relatives, our friends etc etc. These are some major factors influencing depression.If in case, one is diagnosed as a medical depression, its recovery is a lengthy...
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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Disc Personality Profile TesT

Disc Personality Test Disc personality system is the language of behavior and character. Behavioral characteristics is classified and grouped together in four main divisions called personality divisions. And People are divided in these main personality profile. People with similar personality profile are grouped in one group. Specifically, DISC, terminology stands for four personality style. D- DriveGeneral Characteristics of people fall in this category:  People who fall here are direct, straight forward, decisive, high Ego Strength, problem solver, risk Taker, self starter. Instead of all these, they have weakness also. They oversteps authority. They have argumentative and egoistic attitude...
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