REIKI -Part III (Chakras)
Within this complex network, there are some major centres known as energy centres or chakras which helps in the distribution of energy throughout the body. For example, the solar plexus is the energy centre which is called 'Manipura Chakra'. This chakra helps in distributing the energy to the organs around the area of its influence, i.e. liver, pancreas, stomach etc. Hence, this chakra helps in burning the food. Kidneys and the adrenal gland are also associated with this chakra. If this energy centre does not distribute the energy properly, the person may be suffering from digestive related ailment : ingestion.
Each energy centre or chakra is connected to several organs and to other chakras as well and all chakras are connected to the ultimate and powerful organ human possess, the brain. The brain acts as the main power-station of the whole energy system. The chakras are active all the time, though we are not conscious about them. They draw the cosmic energy from the universe and the organs draw energy from their respective chakra.
Actually, Chakra depict the lotus. Each chakra is like a lotus with a fixed number of petals. If the chakra is in a healthy condition, it will be like a lotus in full bloom. the crown chakra is opened towards the sky for the intake of the cosmic energy. It connects us to the universe by a 'spiritual chord'. The mooladhara chakra is opened towards the earth connecting the body to the earth. It acts like an earthing.The chakras exist on each layer of our 'AURA' also. These chakras appear on both the frontside and backside of the body. The energy is taken by each chakra and is sent to the parts of the body located in the major nerve plexus area close to each chakra. This energy helps in the healthy functioning of the 'Auric' filed and the physical body. This energy is called 'Prana' If a chakra stops functioning properly, it will not be able to take energy properly. This means that the body organs served by that chakra will not get the required energy. If this continues, normal functioning of the organs and other body parts attached to that chakra will be disrupted. Hence, that part of the body will weaken and become diseased. Each of the chakra is like a funnel both to the frontside and backside of the body. Each funnel has its water opening on the outside of our body about six inches in diameter, one inch from the body. The other end of the chakras is like a tip attached to the spine.
*Each energy centres will be described in detail in coming posts*
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