Saturday, July 24, 2010

Teenage Self Esteem

Tips for increasing and improving Teenage Self-Esteem

Concise Dictionary defines the term "self esteem" as the belief and confidence in your own ability and value. We can simply say this as our self confidence and we even know how much important this thing for us in each part of our life.
And for personality development it is one of the prerequisite for optimal achievement. Almost all age groups needs this tool. Decreasing in self-esteem can leads to serious mental problems like depression.
Among all age groups, teenage requires this the most. This is because the teen years are always a turbulent and confusing time, it is also a time when a persons self esteem can either develop to it's full potential, or be left behind to wither for the rest of their adult life. This is the stage of human development when one can develop positively or negatively. There are various methods for increase teenage self esteem but i am going to sort our some major factors which  i collected from various sources and from my experience.

1) Appearance (self image-self perception) - Teenage years is one of the most pressured times of your life, and no doubt one of these pressures will be to do with your self image. This has a flow on affect to influence your self confidence and self esteem which can affect your studies performance, sociability, etc, and can lead to a vicious cycle. In regards to looks there is always room for improvement, and what you can't fix you feature.(So if you have crooked teeth, make sure they're clean. If you have a funny shaped head, make sure you have a great haircut that suits it.) There is a lot of very effective treatment out there for acne which you may consider. The trick to gaining self esteem is that once you have done all you can to better your appearance then that in itself is something to be confident about. You may not be able to have any control about what you have, but you have 100% control about what you do with it and that is all that matters. Also realize that any self esteem issues that you associate to your looks are all in your head, and anyone that has a go at you is usually insecure about themselves, and compensates by putting others down.

2) Parents or Guardians - Yes, parents may have good intentions for you but these good intentions can be overbearing and may actually hurt your self esteem and lead to lower levels of confidence. Usually the main situation is a parent that overworks their child, hoping for them to get perfect grades and attend college however this is not always best for a teenagers self esteem. Problems can occur when you feel overworked, and over supervised. They should by all means encourage you and make sure you are keeping up but not become the bad guys by pressuring you to the point where it is unhealthy. This will negatively affect your grades, your relationship and result in low self esteem symptoms. If you have an issue with your parents in any area, ask to sit down with them for a moment, and explain your side of the story and the listen to their side. A lot of progress can be made when you can recognise each others situation.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Intj Personality Type

Intj Personality Type

INTJ which is abbreviated as (introversion, intuition, thinking , judgement) is used as the term in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) one, out of sixteen personality types.

The MBTI instrument for Intj Personality Examination

The MBTI preferences indicate the differences in people based on the following:
  • How they focus their attention or get their energy (extroversion or introversion)
  • How they perceive or take in information (sensation or intuition)
  • How they prefer to make decisions (thinking or feeling)
  • How they orient themselves to the external world (judgment or perception)
The MBTI tool consists of multiple choice questions that sort respondents on the basis of the four "dichotomies" (pairs of psychological opposites). Sixteen different outcomes are possible, each identified by its own four-letter code, referred to by initial letters. (N is used for intuition, as I is used for Introversion). The MBTI is approximately 75% accurate according to its own manual.
  • I – Introversion preferred to extraversion: INTJs tend to be quiet and reserved. They generally prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances, and they expend energy in social situations (whereas extraverts gain energy).
  • N – Intuition preferred to sensing: INTJs tend to be more abstract than concrete. They focus their attention on the big picture rather than the details and on future possibilities rather than immediate realities.
  • T – Thinking preferred to feeling: INTJs tend to value objective criteria above personal preference. When making decisions they generally give more weight to logic than to social considerations.
  • J – Judgment preferred to perception: INTJs tend to plan their activities and make decisions early. They derive a sense of control through predictability, which to perceptive types may seem limiting.

Properties of Intj Personality Profile:
To unknown about Intj personality, INTJs may appear to project an aura of "definiteness", of self-confidence. This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in the specialized knowledge systems that most INTJs start building at an early age. When it comes to their own areas of expertise -- and INTJs can have several -- they will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not they can help you, and if so, how. INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don't know . INTJs are perfectionists, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes their interest. What prevents them from becoming chronically bogged down in this pursuit of perfection is the pragmatism so characteristic of the type: INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake. INTJs are idea people. Anything is possible; everything is negotiable. Whatever the outer circumstances, INTJs are ever perceiving inner pattern-forms and using real-world materials to operationalize them. Others may see what is and wonder why; INTJs see what might be and say "Why not?!" Paradoxes, antinomies, and other contradictory phenomena aptly express these intuitors' amusement at those whom they feel may be taking a particular view of reality too seriously. INTJs enjoy developing unique solutions to complex problems.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Italian Gestures (Body language part-xii)

                           Italian Gestures:

In this post, I am going to give information regarding gestures or body language according to location and community. One gesture which can be positive to one locals can be negative to another. So, to maintain our personality and to be accepted we must know gestures or body language which are specific to certain people. That’s why I am going to take Italian Gestures as the first and foremost one.

If you are planning a trip to Italy, here are some of the basics:

Introductions and Greetings

When it comes to introductions in Italy, Italians prefer to be introduced by a third party, if possible. When meeting people, it is proper to be introduced to women and older people first. It is the same protocol when introducing yourself to others.

Shake hands with everyone with a firm grip during introductions and departures. While doing this always say "buon giorno" during the day time or "buona sera" in the afternoon and evening. It is commons for Italians to greet people they know with a hug but it is not expected from a foreigner to the same gesture.

Conversations and Behavior

Italians are known for using hand gestures when they are talking. It is their way of giving emphasis to their feelings or point.

It is common to see people walking hand in hand or having their arms linked together in public. This is normally seen in the evenings during strolls known as "passeggiata". An Italian's personal space is smaller than those of Northern Europeans or Americans. It is common for them to have a conversation that is much closer than what you are used to.

Eye contact is also very important to Italians, as it shows if you are interested in a person or not. Be aware that looking away may perceived to be a sign of boredom or of rudeness. Placing the hand on the stomach means dislike for another person.

Public Transportation and Gatherings

It is common courtesy for younger people to give up their seats to older people and for men to give up their seats to women. Always wait for your host to tell you where to sit.

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