Thursday, December 30, 2010

Disc Personality Profile TesT

Disc Personality Test

Disc personality system is the language of behavior and character. Behavioral characteristics is classified and grouped together in four main divisions called personality divisions. And People are divided in these main personality profile. People with similar personality profile are grouped in one group. Specifically, DISC, terminology stands for four personality style.

D- Drive
General Characteristics of people fall in this category:
  People who fall here are direct, straight forward, decisive, high Ego Strength, problem solver, risk Taker, self starter. Instead of all these, they have weakness also. They oversteps authority. They have argumentative and egoistic attitude which is not digestible to most of the people. They don't want to be bound in routine and discipline, want to make their own routine and they love freedom. And they attempt every  work more than their capacity at once. People who are under this category tends and motivated to take new challenges and risks.

I- Influence
General Characteristics:
People who are under this section are enthusiastic, talkative, impulsive and emotional. They can encourage others to obtain their goal, a kind of motivator. They have a positive sense of humor and a kind of peace maker or negotiator.
Their weakness are they are more concerned with popularity and inattentive to details. They overuses body language or gestures which makes them funny sometime. They fear of being rejected for something or by someone. They are motivated by flattery, popularity. They have a craze of self importance. They want to be free from many rules and regulations which tend to capture their freedom.

S- Steadiness
General Characteristics:
 Firstly, people under this segment are a good listener so they are a good team player. They are possessive but friendly. They are a loyal team worker, reliable and dependable. Their foremost weakness is that they can't resist change, very sensitive to criticism. They have a fear of  loss of security. They are inspired or motivated by loyalty, safety and security. They do not accept sudden changes in lifestyle and routine and they takes a lot time to be adjusted in new environment.

General Characteristics:
People fall under this category believes in accuracy. They are analytical and careful. They tries to find exact facts and they are very systematic. Their weakness are that, they need clear cut boundaries or limitations for every work even in relationships. They are bound by procedures and methods. They fear with critics and are motivated by high quality standards, limited social interactions and tasks with details.

These are some of the characteristics of people who falls under these four categories. Find which personality type you are by these Disc personality Test.
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Monday, November 29, 2010

Questions and Expressions to detect Lie

Lies Detecting Tips
In my previous articles also, i have talked a lot about body language. This post is also similar or related to body language but not as a whole. I am going to display some tips which help us to distinguish if a person is lying or telling the truth.

1) Pattern of Speaking:
If a person is lying his/her voice intonation changes frequently. To be more sure, experts say that paying attention to  a person's  speech rate and breathing pattern--if the pattern is either fast or slow or fluctuating, the person is not telling whole truth.

2) Contents of his/her sayings:
Liars usually tend to avoid or ignore words or phrases like "but", "nor", "except" because if he/she is lying, he/she will have hard time deciding what to say and what not to. Liars are less likely to use terms like "I", "Me", "mine" etc etc.

3) Unsatable bodily movements:
Liars have hard time deciding what to say and what not to so this confusion is reflected by his/her body language. Red ears, vibrating sound, trying to start conversation which is entirely different from the main topic etc etc.

4) Smile:
 Smile is that powerful tool only given to human kind by the God that we can use it for positive purposes. We can impress other people with our smile ability. In case of liars,  sometimes smile can mask a person's true feelings. If a person is lying, he/she tries to fake his/her smile but frustration and fear can be clearly seen in his/her face.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Body Language Flirting

                                       Body Language Flirting
In previous posts, we have already discussed about topics related to body language and its importance and application for personality development. Today i am going to give some information regarding body language flirting. As we know that "action speaks louder than words", non-verbal communication has a great impact on our day to day activities. We use this tool everywhere to project ourselves so do our thoughts, ideas and information before the world.

Flirting tips for Men
Everybody wants to develop their personality in front of others. I don't want you all to misunderstand the title here "flirting tips for men" negatively. In animal kingdom also, flirting is one way to improve, maintain or establish a relationship between animals. We are humans so, we must have knowledge about using body language for attracting others. Actually, using non-verbal communication for this purpose is innate or inborn quality, but i will share some tips which will be helpful for self-conscious guys to improve or generate positive relationships. Here i am going to brief some point which a guy should remember while dating a girl so that he won’t be losing his personality with the help of body language for flirting.
1. Be confident (If you are not act confident and you will be confident)
Most girls like a guy who is confident in himself and whatever he does. So, feeling or confidence is very necessary. You are not supposed to show acts like biting nails, looking here and there, diverting your attention to somewhere. You must be able to make her feel that she is secured and safe when she is with you.
2. Stay close to her
Staying far away can make her feel that you are too nervous to have talk or chat with her in anyway. So, stay close to her but not too close. Maintain private space.
3. Eye contact
This is another must have tool. While talking with her, always see in her eyes but don't stare. Mind that staring and looking are different terms. Look at her eyes when conversation and look somewhere right after the last word. Then again you can look at her eyes.
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Teenage Self Esteem

Tips for increasing and improving Teenage Self-Esteem

Concise Dictionary defines the term "self esteem" as the belief and confidence in your own ability and value. We can simply say this as our self confidence and we even know how much important this thing for us in each part of our life.
And for personality development it is one of the prerequisite for optimal achievement. Almost all age groups needs this tool. Decreasing in self-esteem can leads to serious mental problems like depression.
Among all age groups, teenage requires this the most. This is because the teen years are always a turbulent and confusing time, it is also a time when a persons self esteem can either develop to it's full potential, or be left behind to wither for the rest of their adult life. This is the stage of human development when one can develop positively or negatively. There are various methods for increase teenage self esteem but i am going to sort our some major factors which  i collected from various sources and from my experience.

1) Appearance (self image-self perception) - Teenage years is one of the most pressured times of your life, and no doubt one of these pressures will be to do with your self image. This has a flow on affect to influence your self confidence and self esteem which can affect your studies performance, sociability, etc, and can lead to a vicious cycle. In regards to looks there is always room for improvement, and what you can't fix you feature.(So if you have crooked teeth, make sure they're clean. If you have a funny shaped head, make sure you have a great haircut that suits it.) There is a lot of very effective treatment out there for acne which you may consider. The trick to gaining self esteem is that once you have done all you can to better your appearance then that in itself is something to be confident about. You may not be able to have any control about what you have, but you have 100% control about what you do with it and that is all that matters. Also realize that any self esteem issues that you associate to your looks are all in your head, and anyone that has a go at you is usually insecure about themselves, and compensates by putting others down.

2) Parents or Guardians - Yes, parents may have good intentions for you but these good intentions can be overbearing and may actually hurt your self esteem and lead to lower levels of confidence. Usually the main situation is a parent that overworks their child, hoping for them to get perfect grades and attend college however this is not always best for a teenagers self esteem. Problems can occur when you feel overworked, and over supervised. They should by all means encourage you and make sure you are keeping up but not become the bad guys by pressuring you to the point where it is unhealthy. This will negatively affect your grades, your relationship and result in low self esteem symptoms. If you have an issue with your parents in any area, ask to sit down with them for a moment, and explain your side of the story and the listen to their side. A lot of progress can be made when you can recognise each others situation.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Intj Personality Type

Intj Personality Type

INTJ which is abbreviated as (introversion, intuition, thinking , judgement) is used as the term in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) one, out of sixteen personality types.

The MBTI instrument for Intj Personality Examination

The MBTI preferences indicate the differences in people based on the following:
  • How they focus their attention or get their energy (extroversion or introversion)
  • How they perceive or take in information (sensation or intuition)
  • How they prefer to make decisions (thinking or feeling)
  • How they orient themselves to the external world (judgment or perception)
The MBTI tool consists of multiple choice questions that sort respondents on the basis of the four "dichotomies" (pairs of psychological opposites). Sixteen different outcomes are possible, each identified by its own four-letter code, referred to by initial letters. (N is used for intuition, as I is used for Introversion). The MBTI is approximately 75% accurate according to its own manual.
  • I – Introversion preferred to extraversion: INTJs tend to be quiet and reserved. They generally prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances, and they expend energy in social situations (whereas extraverts gain energy).
  • N – Intuition preferred to sensing: INTJs tend to be more abstract than concrete. They focus their attention on the big picture rather than the details and on future possibilities rather than immediate realities.
  • T – Thinking preferred to feeling: INTJs tend to value objective criteria above personal preference. When making decisions they generally give more weight to logic than to social considerations.
  • J – Judgment preferred to perception: INTJs tend to plan their activities and make decisions early. They derive a sense of control through predictability, which to perceptive types may seem limiting.

Properties of Intj Personality Profile:
To unknown about Intj personality, INTJs may appear to project an aura of "definiteness", of self-confidence. This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in the specialized knowledge systems that most INTJs start building at an early age. When it comes to their own areas of expertise -- and INTJs can have several -- they will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not they can help you, and if so, how. INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don't know . INTJs are perfectionists, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes their interest. What prevents them from becoming chronically bogged down in this pursuit of perfection is the pragmatism so characteristic of the type: INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake. INTJs are idea people. Anything is possible; everything is negotiable. Whatever the outer circumstances, INTJs are ever perceiving inner pattern-forms and using real-world materials to operationalize them. Others may see what is and wonder why; INTJs see what might be and say "Why not?!" Paradoxes, antinomies, and other contradictory phenomena aptly express these intuitors' amusement at those whom they feel may be taking a particular view of reality too seriously. INTJs enjoy developing unique solutions to complex problems.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Italian Gestures (Body language part-xii)

                           Italian Gestures:

In this post, I am going to give information regarding gestures or body language according to location and community. One gesture which can be positive to one locals can be negative to another. So, to maintain our personality and to be accepted we must know gestures or body language which are specific to certain people. That’s why I am going to take Italian Gestures as the first and foremost one.

If you are planning a trip to Italy, here are some of the basics:

Introductions and Greetings

When it comes to introductions in Italy, Italians prefer to be introduced by a third party, if possible. When meeting people, it is proper to be introduced to women and older people first. It is the same protocol when introducing yourself to others.

Shake hands with everyone with a firm grip during introductions and departures. While doing this always say "buon giorno" during the day time or "buona sera" in the afternoon and evening. It is commons for Italians to greet people they know with a hug but it is not expected from a foreigner to the same gesture.

Conversations and Behavior

Italians are known for using hand gestures when they are talking. It is their way of giving emphasis to their feelings or point.

It is common to see people walking hand in hand or having their arms linked together in public. This is normally seen in the evenings during strolls known as "passeggiata". An Italian's personal space is smaller than those of Northern Europeans or Americans. It is common for them to have a conversation that is much closer than what you are used to.

Eye contact is also very important to Italians, as it shows if you are interested in a person or not. Be aware that looking away may perceived to be a sign of boredom or of rudeness. Placing the hand on the stomach means dislike for another person.

Public Transportation and Gatherings

It is common courtesy for younger people to give up their seats to older people and for men to give up their seats to women. Always wait for your host to tell you where to sit.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Handwriting Expert

I have already mentioned the power of handwriting in my earlier articles relating to handwriting. We can say that "handwriting" simply is Brainwriting. With handwriting behavior analysis, we can be handwriting expert ourselves. We don't need to hire any other handwriting expert. 
Most of the techniques of analysis are already described in this blog. Power of handwriting analysis is unlimited. Apart from developing personality positively, recent studies have shown that handwriting analysis can be used for terminating mental maladies.
Many psychologists and handwriting experts have pointed out the consistent relationship between the mind and the body. None of them, however, has attempted to discover the actual bridge between the two. We can be sure that our body and mind are not two but they are one. If one stops to work, another will definitely stop. A team of various psychologists and handwriting expert analyzed the handwriting sample of patient from their childhood and a similarity has been found in most schizophrenic and bipolar patients in slants and strokes of their handwriting samples. Graphic rigidity, therefore, is a symbol of the writer's lack of impressionability, showing him to be insensible to all the variety and rich experiences of the outward world. Just as the mind of the psychotic has no participation in all the fertile influences of this world, his handwriting reflects a similar rigidity and impoverishment of forms. They observe childish letter formation in the handwriting of the educated adult psychotic, which reverts to the archaic forms of a remote state of civilization proving that handwriting changes with a person's mental state. This can be genetic but these vast similarities can't co-incidental. So, it can be said that handwriting analysis can help to know and analyze these kind of mental illness beforehand and treat accordingly before it happens.
Apart from this, its proved that we can change our thinking pattern, attitude and our lives as a whole by changing our handwriting.
The treatment of personality and character flaws through deliberately made changes in the handwriting, offers a completely new field for the graphologist and subject alike. The technique requires the subject to copy a handwriting exercise at least twice a day, morning and night, consciously modifying his script according to instructions supplied by a competent graphologist or a handwriting expert.
Graphotherapists have won the support of doctors, teachers and psychologists for success in clearing up mental disturbances in children by changing their handwriting.
Graphologists have found that many of children's 'inner problems' showed up clearly in their writing. The introverts had difficulty connecting their letters; the fearful tended to squeeze all theirs together. Gradually, graphotherapists concocted a set of corrective exercises designed to give children a sense of continuity, invention and equilibrium. They theorized that in overcoming a defect in any one of these elements, a child must first develop a feeling for rhythm, melody and harmony.

So, it will be worthwhile to better understand self with the help of handwriting analysis tool yourself or by handwriting expert

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Be Responsible; But Don't Purchase Trouble

Be Responsible; But Don't Purchase Trouble
Being responsible or handling responsibility is one important part of personality development. Its not easy as it seems to be responsible. If we believe in supernatural or God and when we chant his names, it doesn't mean that we should become lazy and give up all our responsibilities to him. Thinking that things are in God's hand is just the stupidity. Either there is something in our destiny, we are the one to make it, its not like it will complete automatically. Labor and hard-work is the key-point here.
The ideal approach to work is; be balanced; be responsible but do not purchase trouble either. Sometimes, one tends to think, " I am getting this much salary, but he is also getting the same amount. But he is doing very little work and is mostly escaping from his work. So why should i work so hard? Let me also escape." But by escaping from one's responsibilities, one gets a feeling of guilt, which increases one's anxieties manifold. There will not be anything known as peace of mind or internal peace within him. The safest and the best course of action is to accomplish your job honestly and responsibly which surely increase your self-esteem and confidence level.

While doing our duties responsibly, we should be intelligent enough not to add on to our responsibilities by taking additional loads due to our egoistic initiative; otherwise we are simply purchasing trouble- a negative personality trait indeed. Such an egoistic person thinks, "He is doing so much work, i must show the world that i am much better and greater then him." There is a vast difference between EGO and CONFIDENCE. If you think you can do the given work-this is confidence but if you think you ONLY can do the given task- this is EGO. So, all we need to do is extract EGO from Confidence and we will succeed. An egoistic person takes on so much load on oneself that one has no time for self, family even no time for basic activities of life. This negative busy schedule not only destroys him but also people and surroundings near him. How can such a person who, in order to satisfy his inflated ego, is caught up in unending materialistic activities, ever attain peace of mind?
So one should do one's job properly and, at the same time, set aside sufficient time for cultivating one's inward life by chanting, meditating, reading books, practicing yoga.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tips for Parents (Child Personality Development)

Tips for Parents (Child Personality Development)

Every parents want their son and daughter be the best. This is why they work really very very hard to maintain every wishes of their children. Every stages of human life is important but the most crucial stage is PUBERTY. This is the stage after childhood and before adulthood. We can simply say this is the stage when a child grows up physically, mentally and most importantly emotionally. Most parents know that their children are growing physically and mentally but ignore the aspect that they also grow emotionally.
So, in this crucial period, they need emotional support too. Below are some points which every parents must make in mind.

1. Always invest for providing quality education to your children.
2. Fulfill the needed necessities of your children ( Take limits).
3. Socialize them. (Take them to parties, social gatherings, to develop public relations).
4. Let them realize their failures and support them to get success in future.
5. Take care of their health and fitness.
6. Be a leader and lead them for their betterness.
7. Act like a friend ( so they can't hesitate to say their internal conflicts--But take Limits)
8. Be the source of inspiration and motivate them for positive personal development.
9. Never ever compare your children with other children which demoralize them.
10. Never Scold them comparing your era and their----generation gap
11. Never repeat the same thing again and again
12. Spend more time with them.
13. If they make mistake, act according to condition ( To be harsh or cool is up to you ).
14. Try to understand their needs even if they don't express.
15. Maintain smooth relation between you and your children.
16. One most important tip, If they fall, let them wake up by themselves, motivate and inspire to wake up, but don't support. We love our children so we support them but forgetting we are making them weak. Struggle is the truth everyone is aware of so let them form then habit of struggling so they will succeed in future...
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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Success Personality


There is one very important proverb " Failure is the Pillar of Success ". Most of use might be very familiar with this saying but how many of us apply this in real life? Very rare. We just say this saying is just to motivate or giving inspiration. But, i say this saying has real power if we think seriously. This is the true fact that " Every Success story has a great Failure experience ".
Tom Watson Sr  of IBM said," If you want to succeed, double your failure rate."   If we go back in time or if we search the history, we will find that almost all stories of great personalities are also the stories of greatest failures. But, we don't see failures. We only see the end result and think that the person got lucky: 'He might have been at the right place at the right time', this is what we think, but we ignore to see his struggles, labour, determination, will power, effort etc to make him successful. Most, importantly, we are blind to see his failures. 
To verify this paragraph, i am going to share one story (biography) here. 

-This is the story of a man who failed in business at the age of 21; was defeated in a legislative race at 22; failed again in business at 24; got departed from his sweetheart at 26; had a nervous breakdown at 27; lost a congressional race at 34; lost a senatorial race at 45; failed in an effort to become vice-president at 47; lost a senatorial race again at 49; (Upto now, you might be thinking, this guy is the best loser as he has been losing in whatever he attempted), but he was elected as the president of United States of America at the age of 52. And he was non other than ABRAHAM LINCOLN.[ Source of this story- You Can Win] So, now how many of us can badged him as a failure? In his whole life, he lived failing and learned from it. He is a winner in the sense that, either he was not able to PUNCH or hide from other PUNCHING him but all he did was able to stand up no matter how hard he was PUNCHED.
This is the spirit, which makes us successful. We should be able to stand up.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Winners Versus Losers

                           Winners versus Losers

**The winner is always part of answer;
* The Loser is always a part of problem.
** The Winner always has a program;
* The Loser always has an excuse.
** The Winner says, "Let me do it for you";
* The Loser says," That is not my job".
** The Winner sees an answer for every problem;
* The Loser sees a problem in every answer.
** Winner says," It may be difficult but it is possible";
* The Loser says," It may be possible but it is too difficult".
** When a Winner makes a mistake, he says," I was wrong";
*  When a Loser makes mistake, he says," It wasn't my fault.
** Winner makes commitments;
* Loser makes promises.
** Winners have dreams;
* Losers have schemes.
** Winners say," I must do something.";
* Losers says," Something must be done".
** Winners are part of the team;
* Losers are apart from the team.
** Winners see the gain;
* Losers see the pain.
** Winners see possibilities;
* Losers see probabilities.
** Winners believe is win/win;
* Losers believe in for them to win, someone has to lose.
** Winners are like a thermostat;
* Losers are like a thermometer.
** Winners choose what they say;
* Losers say what they choose.
** Winners use hard arguments but soft words;
* Losers use soft arguments but hard words.
** Winners follow the phiolosophy of empathy: "Don't do to others what you would not want them to do";
* Losers follow the philosophy:" Do it to others before they do it to you".
** Winners make it happen;
* Losers let it happen.

[Source: YOU CAN WIN--Shiv Khera]

--These are some of the differences in attitude and behaviors of winners and losers. One last word which i have experienced myself personally. If you wanna win, do things which winners do or if you can't do that, just don't do things which losers do....

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Positive Body Language

        Positive Body Language
Till now we have come to know the introduction, properties, benefits and consequences of BODY LANGUAGE. But, from this post, we are going to learn how to apply the techniques detailed in earlier posts and apply them in our day to day life.
The secret to success is to act like you are already a success. Sending out good and positive body language not only describes your personality but also is like having two voices showering praises on your instead of only one. In addition to this, people are always more likely to remember what they see and a few seconds of body movement can be worth an entire interview of words. It is said that "action speaks louder than words" and we have already discussed about this topic in previous posts. But, how does one go about getting better positive body language?
Following are the tips which give a better idea of how to project or sell yourself using posture and expression:

(i) Stand Straight::
Slouching or hunching gives the impression that you have something to hide. Keep your head up and smile as you walk. Relax and let your arms hand at your sides. This walk will give people  the impression that you have nothing to hide and you are used to being listened to.

(ii) Be Animated:
Make use of your hands while you speak. Making hand motions and gestures increases the chances that will concentrate on what you are saying. Being animated also helps someone get excited about a project or story that is being described to them. Excitement spreads, if there is someone to spread it. But be cautious, over using of animation can effect negatively and seems fake.

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Body Language (Part- Xi)

 Body Language (Part Xi-7 Functions of Non-verbal Communication)

In the communication theory seven functions of the non-verbal communication are distinguished:

1) Saying again what has already been expressed in words ( Saying "no" and shaking the head at the same time, giving direction and pointing).

2) Substituting the verbal communication (nodding "yes", shaking "no", questioning facial expression, emblem gestures).

3) Disagreeing with the verbal communication (confirming something but shaking your head hesitantly or shrugging your shoulders).

4) Affectionate (instinctive) support of the spoken word (concerned frown or encouraging pat on the back).

5) Details about the mutual relation (smiling, eye contact, touching, distance, posture).

6) Giving emphasis to the verbal communication (a wagging finger when you express an accusation or reproaching someone with a loud voice and banging on the table angrily).

7) Putting together and managing the verbal communication ( the dots and commas of the spoken sentences: looking at someone and looking away, pauses and supporting hand gestures).
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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Motivation for Study

                                                 Motivation for Study
(i) Introduction:
 Motives are mental energy forces. They are the basis of the "mental effort" we put into our work. When they are strongly active you work hard and concentrate easily. When they are inactive, then the task is difficult to get down to and your performance is poor. To illustrate this point, take a simple example of motivation in relation to the need for food. If your need is great, you will be strongly motivated and find yourself unable to think of anything other than food. If, on the other hand, you have just had a meal, your motivation towards the food will be very small, perhaps non-existent, and far from actively searching for food, the thought or sight of it will disinterest or even repel you. Similarly, if you are in great need of sleep, you can't be bothered even to participate in activities which interest you. However, if you have just awakened refreshed, your need for further sleep is much less and you have energy to tackle new problems. These same principles apply to working, thinking, paying attention, learning etc. When you want to work, either because of a pressing need (e.g. just before an examination or from fear of punishment) or because you are interested in the job in hand, your performance will be much better than if you are disinterested and cannot be bothered. The fact that we all work harder and more readily than at others, why we can persist in the face of difficulties, etc. An awareness of the importance of motivation is fundamental to our investigation of "study-methods".
(b) What Motivates Us to Study?
We may well say that when we are discussing the motivation of eating, sleeping and so forth we are talking about “natural processes” for which there must be “natural motives” built into the mind. Surely, however, as “studying” is not the natural process there can be no motives designed to activate the mind towards it. The answer to this problem lies in the fact that many, if not all, motives are capable of adaptation to the circumstances in which they are to be used. The following motives probably play a large part in making us want to study, providing we are reasonably competent to tackle the material involved:
(1) Curiosity, i.e. the natural tendency to want to find out as much as possible about your surroundings;
(2) Ambition, i.e. the sophisticated manifestation of aggression turned not towards other people but towards problems, hurdles, promotion, etc;
(3) Competition, i.e. the desire for self-respect, social acceptance and respect from others by being able to cope with problem and life as well as if not better than they can;
(4) Interest, i.e. the feeling that a subject or problem is worth tackling and overcoming for its own sake;
(5) Self-Preservation, i.e. the need for a qualification to give you a job, money, possessions, etc., which will make life possible and congenial for you later on.
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Saturday, April 17, 2010

REIKI -Part III (Chakras)

                                         REIKI -Part III (Chakras)

We understand that our physique or physical framework i.e. our body, as an energy body but not just the combination of muscle and bone. This framework is not as simple as it is seen. There is a complex network within this framework through which the energy flows. This network consists of channels known as nerves, which distribute vital energy to each and every point and part of the body.
Within this complex network, there are some major centres known as energy centres or chakras which helps in the distribution of energy throughout the body. For example, the solar plexus is the energy centre which is called 'Manipura Chakra'. This chakra helps in distributing the energy to the organs around the area of its influence, i.e. liver, pancreas, stomach etc. Hence, this chakra helps in burning the food. Kidneys and the adrenal gland are also associated with this chakra. If this energy centre does not distribute the energy properly, the person may be suffering from digestive related ailment : ingestion.
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Body Language (Part -x)

                                              Body Language (Part -x)
Significance of Communication:
The words we express or vent contribute a very vital role in other's perception for us. To leave a good impression, like in job interview, it is very important for us to know what message our body language is delivering or conveying. There is a very popular quotation also "First Impression is the Last Impression" so to make the first impression, positive we must have to make our body language also positive. The person who  receives our body language signals will have the feeling which is very difficult to describe in words and even more difficult to verify what actually was communicated or expressed.
We say and hear at times like :" I have a gut feeling that he/she doesn't like me" or " I don't think that he is saying truth." These kinds of gut feelings is known as intuition which particularly arise when our subconscious receives body language data which doesn't corresponds or go parallel with the verbal words we received.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Body Language (Part-ix)

   Body Language: Action Speaks Louder than Words

The Use of Body Language:
As man being social animal, we can't live in isolation. We need other people in stages of our life. The moment we come into contact with another person, we start communicating with him/her ( receiving and delivering the messages via verbal and non-verbal means) no matter the communication can be conscious or sub-conscious. In non-verbal especially silent communication tells us about the relationship between people. Often this is more important than getting the content of the message across. The exchange of ideas about this non spoken communication, which tells us something about the relationship between people, is known as meta communication. Actually it communicates about communication.

Only Words are not enough:
While connecting with a person, we also have to make it clear to one another how the content of a spoken message or term needs to be interpreted. For an instance, we do not tell or express one another very easily how we feel about the other person or how the words of a message need to be interpreted. To make the implication of our words apparent, we make use of body language. Body language is the language of body without spoken words and is therefore termed as non-verbal communication. Either we don't communicate with words all the time, but we make use of body language almost all of the time. Like the handicapped who can neither speak nor talk, the only option is body language or gesture. Therefore, in this special case, non-verbal communication is the primary option for them. By this example also we can estimate the importance and necessity of body language.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Body language (Part-viii: Deceptive Appearance)

Body language (Part-viii: Deceptive Appearance)

Facial Appearance:    When we observe the face of a person, we can determine the ethnic origins, age, gender, jewellery, make-up etc or simply we can see the image that the person wants to project self before others. To make a character judgement from facial structure and appearance only can be superficial. Facial appearance is only one of the wide range of non-verbal gestures that we need to take into consideration.
Generally the expression on a person’s face is the foremost and basic indicator of his/her emotions like happiness, surprise, sadness, anger, fear, disgust and many more. Different types of smile transmit different non-verbal information reflecting the basic personality with respect to his/her body language. Before analyzing someone’s personality through his body language, we must be aware of the fact that some people have cultivated much greater control over their expression than others. These kind of appearance or expression can be deceptive or misleading because they have mastered in hiding the actual or true message for being delivered.
Eye Contact:  Eye contact is one of the most important non-verbal cues as described earlier. We are expected to meet other peoples’ gazes when we communicate. If we fail to do this, we can be interpreted or meant as being deceptive, weak, bored or angry. There are actually complicated rules governing eye behaviour, with much variation on the direction of the gaze and the length of the time you look at someone. For example, you will look less frequently and for shorter periods, if you are lying or it you are embarrassed or if you dislike the person you are talking to. The longer gaze indicates more intimacy and shows a sign of interest and attention. Depending on the context and relationship, it can be friendly, hostile or sexual. While eye contact is supremely important in Western Society you will need to know that in some societies- mostly Asian, for example—it can be embarrassing and intrusive. So, before dealing with personalities from another culture, you must be aware of their background and allow for the differences in their culture.
Voice:  Voice is another reliable indicator of personality, nationality, regional origin, social class, education level, age and gender. Allied to para-language (rate, pitch, stress, intonation) it can carry up to 38 percent of the message conveyed. It also discloses the emotional state of the speaker and conveys attitudes such as sarcasm.
Body/Physique:  Body in general reinforces the face, so that if a face shows dejection the body will tend to droop. This is not surprising, as it is the whole person who is having these feelings. The body often reflects an individual’s self-concept indicating their self-esteem or confidence level.
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