Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why is your Child lying? Solve this negative personality trait

                                                 WHY CHILDREN LIE?
Most of us have gone through this personality trait known as lying or "lie" simply. We all have lied for some reason somewhere in the phases of our life and still are lying. LIE is one thing, but for the reason we are lying might be ranging from moderate to chronic. LIES can make fun sometimes but can leave a great serious impact in some cases in our life which can't be inevitable by any means.
Apart of lies done by adults, its more serious the case when a child starts to lie. Brain of children is like the smooth mud which can be shaped or modified in whatever we like. If the are being feed with negativity, they will grow accordingly, so to control and manage this negative personality trait is very important. But what lies mean to children, and why they lie, changes as they grow older.
From fairy tales to folklore, young children have generally been pictured as sweet innocents, uncorrupted speaker of pure truth. We all like to think that our own youngsters wouldn't lie, wouldn't even understand what lying is indeed and certainly wouldn't deceive us.
     Realistically, of course, most parents face the fact that their children do sometimes lie. What they may not realize is how young  this behavior can start and how it changes as children grow. Understanding these age-related changes can help everyone who deals with  children handle the problem more successfully.
Until recently, most researchers believed that 3 to 6 yrs old couldn't distinguish between unintentionally making a mistake and deliberately saying something untrue. New evidences suggest that this is wrong. By the age of 4, or even earlier, children can and will lie not simply make excuses or confuse fantasy with reality, but deliberately attempt to mislead usually to avoid punishment. For example;
Richard is an energetic 3 and half years old with an artistic spirit. One day  he decided to express his creativity on his bedroom wall with  his new crayons. To him it was a great work of art. To his mom, however, it was not a pretty picture,"Richard, did you draw on your wall?" his mom asked,obviously with anger. And due to this angry action by his mom, he simply deny ( human emotions, inclination to make conditions normal--can be seen in children too).
While young children are clearly willing and able to lie, they have their own understanding of what the  word means. Until about the age of 8, children consider any false statement a lie regardless of whether the person who said it knew it was false. Intention isn't the issue--only whether the information is false or true.

Although child under the  age of 6 have trouble distinguishing between unintentional and deliberate false statements, research shows that by the age of 4, children generally know that intending to mislead someone is bad. These children condemn lying more than do older children or adults. They are, as one researcher described them,"fanatics of truth". In one study, 92% of 5-years old said it is always wrong to lie. By age 11 that figure had shrunk to only 28%. Paralleling that change, 75% of the 5-years old said they never lied, while none of the 11 years old made such claim to virtue.
The same researchers asked children about different types of lies. All age groups, from 5 through 11, said that lies to avoid punishment (not admitting you spilled ink on the bedspread) are worse than white lies (telling another child you like his friend even though you don't). Altruistic lies (not telling a bully wants to beat up a younger child where the child is even if you know) were not condemned by any  age group, bu the 5-years old gave even this lie a much lower rating than did the older children. The situation that triggered the lie becomes increasingly important. By ages 10-12 and sometimes earlier, children no longer consider lying always wrong. Whether a lie is wrong depends on the situation.

The children 5-9 years old mentioned punishment most often. At this young age punishment is the deterrent. Less than a third of the 11-years old mentioned it, while nearly half said lying destroys trust, a consequence mentioned by few of the younger kids. Psychologist Marie Vasek got similar results in interviews with boys and girls from 6-12. The youngest children said that the main reason anyone lies is to avoid punishment. And while they thought of lying was wrong, tmhey understood why people did it.

A number of studies have asked this question, with varying results. Some researches find no change, while others report a decrease in lying with age. The studies do agree on one point, however: Less than 5% of the children at all ages lie frequently. But even this consensus has problems. One is that since the date comes from the reports of parents and teachers., it may be flawed. Perhaps young people just get better at lying as they move from childhood to adolescence, lying as much or more but less detectably.
A second problem: Even assuming the percentage of consistent liars stays the same, we're left with a question: Are these the same children at different ages---chronic liars, so to speak---or different children? We don't know. The only way to find out would be to follow the same children year after year., and that hasn't been done. All we have cross sectional studies of different children in each age group. I suspect the truth lies somewhere in the middle. For some kids, chronic lying is a phase and eventually stops. Other may continue with what becomes a fixed pattern for dealing with the world.

 We don't know whether children lie more as they get older, but its clear they get better at it. Young children believe adults are all-powerful. By early adolescence or earlier--perhaps by age 10 or 11--most children mhave become fairly able liers. No longer are they always betrayed by the sound of their voice, the look on their face, the blatant inconsistencies in what they say or thrie outlandish alibis. As children gain the power to mislead, parent lose the certainty they had earlier. Although they may still catch  a lie---older children, liked adults, do sometimes make some mistakes when they lie, and many lies are betrayed by an accidental discovery--parents learn that they no longer know what  their kids are thinking, feeling or planning, unless their children want them to know.

Almost everything relating to lying changes gradually as children growm older. Their understanding of the concent of lying, their attitudes about when lying is wrong,  their ability to lie without being caught, their moral and social judgement---all of the these changes as they grow up. Two age period seem especially crucial. The first is somewhere between ages 3  and 4, when children become capable of telling a deliberate lie. This is a good time for parents to begin to educate their children about lying.
Early lying may be simply a phase, or it could develop into an undesirable lifelong pattern. You  really can not tell at the time. So if you find your child lying frequently, don't wait to see if its temporary thing. Sintead, try to find out why he or she is lying. Are you doing something which  is some way encourages or forces your child to lie? Is you child lying in response to some other problem at home? Is it the influence of friends? Whatever the cause, explain to your child why lying is harmful or just make aware of its negative consequences. If you don't think you are succeeding in eliminating this behavior, seek counselling.
Adolescence or age of puberty is the second crucial period. Some evidence suggests that both lying and peer infulence peak in early adolesence and then subside. Although there is no hard research evidence to support it, I think one reason adolescents are more successful liers is that they feel less guilt about lying to their parents or teachers. Rejecting parental values---noticing the clay feet that authority stands upon--is a common form of rebellion. For some teenagers, lying may be one way of establishing their own identity, of achieving independence--a necessary task of adolescence.
To make understand how difficult life together will be if there is no trust or belief is another way to convince the adolescents. This phase is when they become emotional too so try  this tool to get them rid off this negative personality. And also try to elaborate or describe the power of "BELIEF AND TRUST".

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Saturday, February 13, 2010



Well stress, strain, tension, anxiety are the human emotions which we can't neglect, ignore or reject. They arise according to time and condition. Every one of use have perceived this. A classic study at Gerogetown University found that piled up stress can affect even eight-year-old, lowering IQ by as much as ten points These negative emotions are the obstacle for giving our 100 percent in whatever we do, they diminishes our performance hence decreasing the self-confidence and esteem. But, instead of taking negative, lets know the ways to kick stress busters out. But before you read this article, Please make your mind that without applying these techniques, they are not going to work for you automatically as like magical wand. I am just giving the boat, to cross the river, you are the only one to go for it. Another thing, dedication and determination are keypoint while practicing. If you master these techniques, you have made the best investments you can ever make, one that doesn't cost a cent, i.e. learn to relax and shift body states at your will. You'll add new dimensions to your life and probably some years so good luck

Introduction: Autogenics  or Self birthing is the way to relax yourself totally, totally in a sense that you can relax and control both your mind and body at the same time. It was discovered and developed by German M.D. Dr. Johannes Schultz. Although he was a medical person, he sought something more primary than symptoms based pills and surgeries to cure his patients' woes or wounds, and devised a formulas to teach them to relax and control themselves at will. After patients became adept in shifting healthy body states at will, he gave them more formulas to help them make the most of their states of mind. So, the self-birthing began. According to me and my experience, Autogenics is something like positive affirmation or auto-suggestion but with advanced methods and techniques. Autogenics not only gives us relaxation but it also accelerates learning as we all know the main block for memory, learning, concentration is STRESS which autogenics completely removes. Its like psychological gymnastics for psychological fitness. Just 10-15 minutes practicing per day can produce the desired effect sooner or later according to how much determined and dedicated you are.

Procedure: (Source: Superlearning 2000)
Choose a quite place to practice where no one will disturb you. You can assume any position in which you can relax. But, Lying down can be the best.

 Warm Up-
Imagine you are putting a "relaxation mask" over you face. This soothing mask smooths your frowns, tension, and wrinkles. Feel it from heart. All the muscles of your face relax and let go, relax and let go. Your eyelids close and rest gently. You focus your eyes on the tip of your nose. Your jaw hangs, loose with your mouth slightly open your teeth but don't touch. Put your tongue on the inner gum line of your upper teeth as if you were silently pronouncing a d or t letter.
Begin very gently with belly breathing, that is, breathing in deeply without straining in any way. As, the air flows inside, feel you abdomen fill with air and puff up. As you breath out, feel it sink in and empty out. Breath slowly and smoothly. Exhale twice as long as you inhale. With each breathing, increase the count. Inhale,2,3; exhale,2,3,4,5,6. Inhale,2,3,4; exhale,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Start inhaling on a 1 or 2 count, then increase to 6 or 7. Do not strain. Now cycle backward down to where you started. Breath in 6, out 12. Breath in 5, out 10 and continue right upto 1.
Do this mental warm up for 2-3 minutes

1) Heaviness:
You begin by developing a pleasant feeling of heaviness in your body. Begin with your right arm. Say to yourself
- My right arm is getting limp and heavy (6-8 times).
- My right arm is getting heavier and heavier (6-8 times)
- My right arm is completely heavy (6-8 times)
- I feel supremely calm (1 time)
Open your arm and get rid of that heaviness in your arm. Bend your arm back and forth several times. Take a few deep breaths. Relax again. Scan your relaxation mask. Do the cycle again. Do this heaviness exercise, for about 7-10 minutes, two or three times a day
*Troubleshooting- If you have trouble imagining your arm is heavy, hold a heavy object with your arm and say aloud, "My right arm is getting heavier and heavier".
Do this exercise with your right arm for three days. Then continue with the same formula with your left arm for three days, both arms, right leg, left leg, both legs and arms and legs combined-- for three days each. It will be something like
-My left arm is getting limp and heavy, etc. (3 days)
-Both my arms are getting limp and heavy, etc. (3 days).
-My right leg is getting limp and heavy, etc. (3 days).
-My left leg is getting limp and heavy etc. (3 days).
-Both my legs are getting limp and heavy etc. (3 days).
-My arms and legs are getting limp and heavy etc. (3 days).

** This Heaviness exercise take three weeks. If you experience a genuine sensation of heaviness in arms and legs, you're ready for Step Two. If not then keep practicing until you get that sensation. Its better to have a firm foundation or base.

2) Warmth:
Begin with your warm-up for about two minutes. Do one cycle of Heaviness exercise for arms and legs for one minute. One you feel a sense of heaviness, begin to learn how to arouse a feeling of warmth on command: The process is same as heaviness
-My right arm is getting limp and warm (6-8 times)
-My right arm is getting warmer and warmer (6-8 times)
-My right arm is completely warm (6-8 times)
-I feel supremely calm (1 time)
*As you repeat the formula for warmth, try to imagine that you arm is very, very warm. You can put a pail of warm water in your arm or imagine a hot arm in hot sun. Follow the same pattern as like heaviness exercises. Do the right arm for 3 days, left arm, both arms, left leg, right leg, both legs, both arms and legs---all for three days each. You will master this in 3 weeks duration. After that, do this final formula summing up the first two exercises;
- My arms and legs are getting limp and heavy and warm. (6-8 times)
- My arms and legs are getting heavier and warmer. (6-8 times)
- My arms and legs are completely heavy  and warm. (6-8 times)
- I feel supremely calm (1 time).

* Between cycles of warmth formula open your eyes, move your arms and legs, and throw off the feeling of heaviness and warmth. Then invoke it again. As you mentally say the formula, visualize your arms and legs getting heavier and warmer.

3) Calm Heart:
Begin with the warm up. Repeat shortly the heaviness and warmth formula. Say each phrase 3 or 4 times. In the beginning, do this exercise lying on your back. Mentally sense your heartbeat. Sense it in your chest, throat, or wherever. If you are prone to headaches, don't feel it in your head. You may prefer to rest your right hand on the pulse point of your left wrist or even on your chest. Usually, in a relaxed state, you can feel the beat. Then repeat silently to yourself:
-My chest feels warm and pleasant (6-8 times).
-My heartbeat is calm and steady (6-8 times).
-I feel supremely calm (1 time).

* Do this exercise 2 or 3 times a day for seven to ten minutes for 2 weeks

4) Breathing:
Do the warm up. Repeat the following;
-My arms and legs are getting limp and heavy and warm (1-2 times)
-My arms and legs are getting heavier and warmer (1-2 times)
-My arms and legs are completely heavy and warm (1-2 times)
-My heartbeat is calm and steady (1-2 times)
-I feel supremely calm (1 time)
-My breathing is supremely calm (6-8 times)
-I feel supremely calm (1 time).
* Do this exercise to gain control over your breathing seven to ten minutes, two or three times a day for two weeks. You will know you've mastered it if you can climb stairs or jog and still breathe calmly and rhythmically at your own command. Instead of "supremely calm" and alternative final sentence for this exercise is:
- It breathes me (1 time)

5) Stomach:
This exercise is to help you arouse a pleasant feeling of warmth in your solar plexus--the area above the waist below the ribs.
Do the warm up. Repeat in short form the heavy/warm formula and heart and breathing formula Then add;
-My stomach is getting soft and warm (6-8 times).
-I feel supremely calm (1 time)
 *To help generate the sensation of warmth in solar plexus, you can rest your right palm on your solar plexus while doing this exercise. Gradually you will feel your solar plexus radiating warmth. Some people prefer the formula " My solar plexus radiates warmth ".
*Do this formula for seven to ten minutes, two or three times a day for two weeks. The exercise is completed when you can rouse definite warmth on command.

6) Cool Forehead:
 This exercise is for experiencing a feeling of coolness on your forehead. Do the warm-up. Repeat in short form the formula for heaviness, warmth, heart, breathing and stomach. Then say;
-My forehead is pleasantly cool. (6-8 times)
-I feel supremely calm. (1 time)
* Imagine a fresh breeze blowing on your forehead and face. If you don't feel coolness right away,stand in front of air conditioner or a fan and say aloud to yourself,"My forehead is cool".
*Do this exercise two or three times a day for seven to ten minutes for two weeks. When you definitely experience a sensation of coolness in your forehead, you've completed this Step

7) Recap:
You are now ready for final roundup formula, which is in effect graduation from Level-One Autogenics. Do the warm-up. Repeat in short form the formulas for heaviness, warmth, heart, breathing, stomach, and forehead. Then say;
-My arms and legs are heavy and warm.
-My heartbeat and breathing are calm and steady.
-My stomach is soft and warm, my forehead is cool
-I feel supremely calm.

*Repeat the final formula several times. If you've mastered the full series, you'll be able to say this once or twice and immediately achieve the pleasant, calm, stress-free autogenic state. you are in control. The ability to reach this state strengthens with regular practice. Maintenance practice is five minutes, twice a day. Whenever you need to summon this special state---whether its facing some competition, test, audition, or challenge---you simple say to yourself, "Arms and legs heavy, warm; heart and breathing calm, steady; stomach warm, forehead cool, calm. " You'll be immune to any stress, whether it's public speaking, negotiating a business contract, or taking an exam or interview....

**Apart from this proven techniques, this is just first level autogenics, second level autogenics will be published soon which can drive more potential than this**
Autogenics is a sure method to kick your stress out and relax you no matter of time, condition, mood and environment.
Wish you all best of luck and do comment me after being succeeded!

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